I started writing a screenplay 15 minutes ago - it's kinda biographical.
If I die before this shit is made into this movies it's up to you guys to make sure I'm portrayed by James Franco or Swoozie Kurtz (you fuckers better get Swoozie!!!).
Here's the rest of the cast, in no particular order:
Ricky - Any female lead from Days of Our Lives or Vanessa Anne Hudgens
Liz - Nandini Rao, if she's not available for some godawful reason, Franka Potente
Martha - James Earl Jones; he has weak knees too!
Jen - A bottle of cough syrup
Sarah LADY Sallee - Phylicia DUTCHESS Rashad
Nandini Rao - Charlize Theron
Lauryn - The black lady with the lisp from Pine-Sol commercials
Mona - I don't have any actors in mind, but I'll roll over in my fucking grave if they cast that slutbag CUNT Ashley Judd.
Bizzle, cough syrup?! I would have accept the role of Flintstone's Vitamins. But cough syrup?
Mona will be played by Neil Patrick Harris.
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