Friday, August 05, 2011

Nicki Minaj Flashes GMA ... Been There Done That

If you haven't already heard, Nicki Minaj's pepperoni slice nipple made a cameo during her performance this morning as part of Good Morning America's summer concert series. BIG FUCKIN' DEAL. I had both my tits out (my nipples are more like silver dollar pancakes with butter on them) when Mary J. Blige performed last summer.

Here's a censored image, because this blog is classy and we gotta keep shit PG-13:

What I really want to know is: Why are we focusing on yet another supposed 'waldrobe malfunction', when Nicki's background dancer Laura Winslow of Family Matters fame, died on stage from pure jealousy of Nicki feasting on a drum of the Colonel's original recipe. Warning, the next image is extremely graphic as it depicts the corpse (front, center) of Steve Urkel's spank bank favorite.

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